Dental Tips For Better Health

A Confident Smile

“Use your smile to change the world; don’t let the world change your smile.” – Chinese Proverb

Most of us have been hiding our smiles behind masks this past year. We’ve hidden our oral health (bad breath included) behind the mandatory masks, and subsequently many of us have felt disconnected or even isolated. We may have even forgotten what it feels like to see others smiling through conversations, or showing expressions and reactions with our whole face. It’s time to take a moment and unmask our smiles.

When you take your mask off, do you feel good about your smile? Because you should. Everyone’s smile is unique, but one fact is universal; smiling should make you feel good. If you aren’t confident with your smile, we’d love to help you feel better about it.

Whitening is one of the fastest and cheapest ways to boost your smile confidence. Whiter teeth look healthier, cleaner and happier, and consequently, so does your smile. Whitening is also very affordable. We offer many different whitening options in our office, from in-office whitening, to custom-fit bleaching trays, or cheaper take home kits, there’s something that works for everyone.

If you wish your smile was different when you look in the mirror, come talk to us. We want to help boost your confidence so you can feel good when you smile. Whether it’s whitening, braces, Invisalign, broken or missing teeth, or pain that is cramping your smile, come see us at Northwind Dental.

Helping you have a healthy, confident smile is what we’re here for, and we’d love to help restore your confidence in yourself and your smile.
